About Me

When i became a Mum of twins in 2017 I decided I didn't want to go back to my 9 till 5 job bringing work home with me, stressing about not meeting my deadlines and being away from home.
When i had my babies i envisaged spending every single possible second I could with them, watching them grow,  seeing their first crawl,  their first tooth,  hearing their first word and most importantly just being there for them as much as i could.

By trying to incorporating work and play this is how my journey into becoming a Baby Massage and Baby yoga instructor started.

When my twins were born after about 12 weeks I eventually plucked up the courage to take them to a baby massage class , the whole thing was new to me and to be honest I found it all quite overwhelming. 
However I persevered and to date I think it was probably one of the best things I could have done, I found out about the benefits of Baby Massage and also experienced them first hand with my twins, I met new Mummies which I now class as friends, I absolutely loved it and because of this I wanted to try to bring the same pleasure and joy that my babies and I experienced to other new Mums , Dads and Parents.
This is where I'm at now!

I trained to be a Baby Massage and Baby Yoga instructor with "Hands on Babies" and now I feel my life journey has begun xxxxx

© 2018 Baby Massage and Baby Yoga by Hazel
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